Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This week in Social Studies



Can you believe it is already November?!  

The last couple weeks we started our Mini Unit on Religion.  During this week long unit, we compared and contrasted the beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.  This was a quick preview into the beliefs and practices of each religion, that will be explored further through the various units during the year.  We also have officially started Unit 3: The Spread of Islam and West African Kingdoms.  The summative for this unit will be on November 15th.

Along with the start of a new unit, is the start of a new Map from Memory.  This time--Africa!  Use the resources from class and the resources on our website to help you study.  Shout out to Ally Quinn who has already memorized the map of Africa!  The Map from Memory: Africa test will be on Wednesday, November 13th.

Big news to keep in mind:

This Friday, November 1st, is the Fall Social! The Student Council has worked incredibly hard to make it fun for everyone, so come enjoy!

All homework that is turned in needs to be in complete sentences and should demonstrate a high amount of effort!  Shout out to Oluchi Ohaya, Grant Pullen, and Lauren Johnson who constantly do their best on every homework and classwork assignment.

Homework this week includes the Close Reading 10.29 Worksheet  and Geography Stations 1 and 2 from 10.30.