Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This week in Social Studies...



Only two weeks until IA #2:) Time flies! 

So far Unit 3: The Spread of Islam and West African Kingdoms has been going well.  We have explored the idea of cultural diffusion and saw how innovations from the 11th century still influence our daily lives!  The summative for this unit will be on November 15th.

Keep practicing your Map from Memory on Africa!  Use the resources from class and the resources on our website to help you study. The Map from Memory: Africa test will be on Wednesday, November 13th.

Big news to keep in mind:

I will be out of town, and therefore not at school, on Friday, November 8th and Monday, November 11th.  During this time I know the students will continue to work hard for their guest teachers, Justin Summons and Colin Fry.  The students will be completing research projects on a country in Africa and will be ready to present the day I return! 

Homework this week includes the Innovations Chart from 11.4 and the Leveled Timeline Practice on 11.5.