Friday, October 18, 2013

This week in Social Studies...


10/16 to 10/18

Welcome back from Fall Break!  

This short week was still packed with information.  We started our Mini Unit on Religion.  This will be about a week and a half long unit on the five major world religions and the influence that their interactions have had throughout history and today.

Big news to keep in mind:

There is no school next Friday, the 25th.  This day will be a work day for teachers, so students you can relax! 

Students, if you did not pass the Map from Memory: Europe yet, the next test will be on Wednesday, the 23rd.  Please make sure you are studying at home--that is the only way to be successful with the geography:) 

Continue to turn work in on time to maintain high grades!

Homework this week includes Religion WebQuest and the Hinduism and Buddhism 10.17 worksheet.