Thursday, October 10, 2013

The week in Social Studies...


10/7 to 10/11


Students are finishing up their first large unit this week!  We are wrapping up in Medieval Europe and are ready to move on and explore other areas of the world during the Medieval Age.  Students completed a Map from Memory this week where they had to label all of the European countries!  I am so proud of all the students that really demonstrated that they studied hard!  The students even challenged the teachers to see who knew more about the geography of Europe, and our studious students won!  I am a very proud teacher:)

Big news to keep in mind:

There is no school next Monday, the 14th, and Tuesday, the 15th!  Enjoy your Fall Break, you deserve a few days off!

Our Unit 1/2 Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe Summative Assessment will be on October 11th.  We pushed it back a few days so that there was time to review in class.  Use the digital ISN to study and review your notes.  Remember, if you study BEFORE the test--you will be prepared!

All missing work needs to be turned in by Friday for 70% credit.  All other work will be 30% credit after the current unit ends.  Keep in mind that turning homework in on time is the best way to maintain high grades!

Homework this week includes Magna Carta 10.7 and the Unit 1/2 Study Guide packet.