Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This week in Social Studies...



Only one week until IA #2:) We are ready!

While I was out of town on family business over the past few school days, the students demonstrated a remarkable amount of responsibility.  I am so proud of the hard work students have shown on their African Country Projects despite there being a little bit of confusion on the assignment.  This is a large grade for Trimester 1 and I love that so many students rocked it:)

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th is the Map from Memory: Africa test!  Students have been completing most of the studying on their own time.  Please make sure you come prepared to demonstrate your mastery of African geography.  Use the tab above to help you study.

Big news to keep in mind:

I moved the date for the Unit 3 Summative Assessment till after Thanksgiving Break.  Students have the IA #2 next week and some other large projects in different classes.  I want to make sure we spend enough time on Unit 3, so pushing the test back seemed like the best option.

Homework this week includes the African Country Research Project--this is a big one!