Map from Memory: ASIA


Hello Students,

As you know, we will be memorizing world geography as we study each unit!  I think it is amazing that students are already pressuring me to have the Map from Memory: Asia materials ready before we start our Japan and China Units.  I love the enthusiasm I see, so keep it up and study hard!  As students shared out in class, it helps to use just a few minutes a day to practice over time in order to master this geography.

Online Map Resources:

Online Practice:

Visit the link below to practice labeling countries in Asia.  You'll get better the more you practice!  100% green?--you are ready!

Blank Map of Asia to Print:


This version can help you begin to memorize because it is smaller and does not include the Middle East.  You will need to know the Middle East, so the map above will be the one that is used on the test!